some words I hope to remember and some I hope to forget
Iām Felicia Davin, a writer and reader of romance, fantasy, and science fiction.
some words I hope to remember and some I hope to forget
swans, tanks, death, a couple of romance-adjacent novels
horns, hands, figs, romance novels, CW: a lot of talk about penises (and a little about vulvas)
on romance novels and interior design
Harrow the Ninth, Jacques-Louis David, large adult sons, and Mexican Gothic
state, head, foot, lightning, heart, etc.
Gritty, antique sex slang, gleefreshing, romance novels
sinister twists, gauche euphemisms, and romance novels
indulgence, decay, garlic, spoons, and romance novels
dirty slang, ablaut reduplication, and romance novels
more eggs, some romance novels, and things your grandma already knows
duplicitousness, defamation, heroic warrior mice