in which I’m perilously out of my depth re: food words (but perfectly at home re: romance novels)
A photo of Felicia Davin
I’m Felicia Davin, a writer and reader of romance, fantasy, and science fiction.
All tagged Black romance
in which I’m perilously out of my depth re: food words (but perfectly at home re: romance novels)
sneaking around and romance novels
calques, loanwords, and romance novels
Croatia, must-have historical romance accessories, and romance novels
various mongers, and, of course, romance novels
rude gestures, death, and romance novels
The Black Jacobins, revolution, romance, and horror
A little history, a little futurity, and, of course, romance novels
God’s secret dictionary, etymologies, taxonomies, broken vases, cracked cauldrons, grunts, squeals, and romance novels
Apparitions, androids, artifice, and romance novels
strikes, crying jams, and romance novels