review A review of Thornfruit at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Review: Thornfruit “The world-building is excellent, the prose is gorgeous, and the characters and their relationships are phenomenal.”
A review of Thornfruit at Strange Horizons Strange Horizons Review: Thornfruit “As the first book in a completed trilogy, Thornfruit did a good job of being self-contained while still leaving me curious and eager to find out what happens next. Though there were times I wanted to see more of events than what we were shown through
Edge of Nowhere at Love in Panels Love in Panels: Sci-Fi Romance Best Bets August 2018 Veronica Scott mentions Edge of Nowhere as a “best bet” in her sci-fi romance column at Love in Panels: “The world building was wonderful in the book, full of lived-in details that make the reader feel they could step right into
A review of Edge of Nowhere from Joyfully Jay Joyfully Jay Review: Edge of Nowhere “I found myself engrossed in following along with all the intricacies of how things worked and Davin just has created a clever and nicely developed world. I also loved how there is sort of a mystery vibe here as Kit and Emil attempt to
A review of Edge of Nowhere from Happily Ever After Book Nerd Happily Ever After Book Nerd Review: Edge of Nowhere “From the moment I read the blurb for Edge of Nowhere I was excited and what was supposed to be a few chapters of reading turned into finishing this book in one sitting. Felicia Davin’s writing and storytelling flows quickly
A review of Edge of Nowhere in Smexy Books Smexy Books Review: Edge of Nowhere “Kit and Emil are really sweet guys with flaws, that they overcome to love each other. There is a pretty intense attraction between them, and their chemistry and sexual tension are done well.”